Project Based

Strategy and Road Mapping

Need a place to start? Engage with the Nelson Consulting team to move from vision to execution in three phases:  

  • Discover: Discovery Sessions with your key stakeholders with a focus on Process, Systems, and Current State Gaps.
  • Synthesize: During the Synthesize phase, we will work with your teams to prioritize what’s worked on first and following with an eye on a scalable systems architecture roadmap resulting in:
    • Prioritization of Pain Points / Gaps
    • Future Systems Architecture Map
    • Tool Selection
  • Go: It’s time to Go! With the foundational detail and the future state priorities, we will provide a 3 year high level roadmap for applications/functionality and a one year detailed release plan with proposed phasing, timelines, and anticipated costs.

Implementation / Execution

If you already have a plan of attack and need some team members to execute upon your vision, work with the Nelson Consulting team to scope your next technology project/implementation. We’ll sit with you to understand what you want to accomplish, any barriers to success, and propose the best path forward with a great team and a do-able timeline. It’s time to stop kicking that can down the road, and call on Nelson Consulting to help you get ‘er done.