Strategy and Execution

IT Strategy Offerings

Total Cost of Ownership Evaluation

Work with our seasoned IT consultants on documenting, evaluating, and providing areas of system consolidation or potential efficiencies to be gained related to your overall IT Total Cost of Ownership.

Vendor Analysis

Sometimes it’s helpful to have a 3rd party help evaluate your next big application buy. Work with Nelson Consulting to meet with your key business stakeholders to document and prioritize feature and functionality needs. Our team will then set up demos, pricing packages, and facilitate the purchase of the application

Funding and Grant Support

Our team will work with you on providing content and details for grant proposals to fund IT Initiatives.

Systems Architecture/Platform Strategy

Measure twice and cut once. Work with our team to evaluate your current systems architecture, identify areas of improvement, and define a plan of attack with costs and timeline.  

Execution Offerings

Business Analysis, Documentation

Curiosity may have killed the cat, but it sure makes an awesome business analyst. Bring in Nelson Consulting’s amazing business analysis team to work with your business stakeholders, facilitate systems requirements sessions, and document current/future state flows, requirements and user stories for build.

Agile Management

Is that certain project just a bear that most people walk in the opposite direction when brought up? Bring in one of our fantastic cat herders. Specializing in agile management, we’ll work with the team in both Scrum and Kanban methods to get the project to done.